cppreference.com -> C++ Strings

C++ Strings

Constructors methods to initialize strings
Operators compare and assign strings
append() adds text to the end of a string
assign() assigns text to a string
at() returns characters at a given index
begin() returns an iterator to the first element of the string
c_str() returns a standard C character array version of the string
capacity() the number of characters the string can hold
compare() compares two strings
copy() copies characters into an array
data() returns a pointer to the first character
empty() true if the string is empty
end() returns an iterator to the end of the string
erase() remove parts of the string
find() find characters in the string
find_first_of() find first occurance of characters
find_first_not_of() find first absence of characters
find_last_of() find last occurance of characters
find_last_not_of() find last absence of characters
get_allocator() returns the string's allocator
insert() insert characters into the string
length() returns the string's length
max_size() returns the maximum number of characters that the string can hold
rbegin() returns a reverse iterator to the end of the string
rend() returns a reverse iterator to the beginning of the string
replace() replace characters in the string
reserve() sets the capacity of the string
resize() change the size of the string
rfind() find the last occurance of a substring
size() returns the number of characters in the string
substr() returns a certain substring
swap() exchange two strings